Am I authentic? The search for authenticity in Nishitani Keiji



transontology, Japanese Philosophy, vacuity


This article investigates the problem of authenticity according to Nishitani Keiji (1900-1990). The idea of authenticity relates to the concept of the true self, an identity that is divergent and identifiable from a false way of being. In the European philosophical tradition, the idea of authenticity seems to depend on an essentialist structure. However, the alternative proposition of Nishitani inspired by the Buddhist tradition aims to overcome the limits of metaphysics while reconsidering the basis of reality and the relationship of interdependence established between the elements of reality.

Author Biography

  • Amanda Sayonara Fernandes Prazeres, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

    Doctorada en Humanidades (UPF, Barcelona, España) con enfoque en Filosofía. Master en Filosofía (Metafísica) y grado en Filosofía por UFRN (Brasil). Es cofundadora de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural (ALAFI) y actualmente es profesora sustituta de Filosofía del IFRO (Brasil). Amanda Fernandes viene desarrollando investigación en Filosofía Japonesa y Filosofía Intercultural.


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¿Yo soy auténtico? la búsqueda de la autenticidad en Nishitani Keiji Amanda Sayonara Fernandes Prazeres



2022-12-12 — Updated on 2024-07-18


How to Cite

Am I authentic? The search for authenticity in Nishitani Keiji. (2024). Revista Horizonte Independiente - Horizontes De Pensamientos, 3(1), 1-19. (Original work published 2022)

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