The Hidden Religions: the case of the Deathly Hallows


  • Alejandro Medina Universidad de los Andes Author


Harry Potter, Deathly Hallows, Myth, Religion, Hermeticism, Hermeneutics, Narratives


The intersection between philosophy, myth and religion has been studied mainly to delimit the perspective from which each of them assumes orreflects on the questions that the others pose. It israrely studied from the intersection itself, that is, from the places where it is difficult to identify their corresponding narratives. The purpose of this assay isto examine the narrative of the Tale of the Deathly Hallowsin the Harry Potter Saga written by Joanne Kathleen Rowling, as a hidden and common place forreligion and philosophy. Ishall present a symbolic structure that I have named
"functional triads" resulting from an "archaeological" analysis in the Foucaultian sense, which assumes ruptures, discontinuities and silences as places of enunciation and meaning

Author Biography

  • Alejandro Medina, Universidad de los Andes

    Filósofo de la Universidad de los Andes con más de 12 años de experiencia docente. Escritor y creativo independiente, creador de Acción Maestra, proyecto para la construcción de paz, creatividad e innovación. Columnista en la Revista Horizonte Independiente. Autor de Harry Potter y el misterio
    de la filosofía (Revista Horizonte Independiente, 2022); Canción de vida (Revista Horizonte Independiente, 2021); La vida y el filósofo (Revista Horizonte Independiente, 2021). 


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2022-02-28 — Updated on 2024-07-18


How to Cite

The Hidden Religions: the case of the Deathly Hallows. (2024). Revista Horizonte Independiente - Horizontes De Pensamientos, 2(2), 126-154. (Original work published 2022)

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