How is knowledge constructed and how are subjectsformed in the human and social sciences?



Complexity, learning, philosophy, education, praxeology


Today's world demands a multifaceted examination that is only achievable
through a complex look that uses various angles of critical analysis. In this sense, we propose to contextualize the educational situation to try to answer the
question, who to train? which is related to its two corollaries: why and what
for. Due to the above, putting the act of learning at the center of the student's journey implies introducing, from the beginning of university studies, the teaching of complex thinking and the search and appearance of meaning. This means that the teacher becomes a resource provider who provides the material that allows new questions to emerge. Knowledge does not serve to dissolve (solve)
the problem but to reveal the mystery. In this sense, the act of learning, eminently complex, is transformed because it updates an innate capacity, which humanity inherited, which it can transmit and which constitutes its true heritage: learning.

Author Biographies

  • Carlos German Juliao Vargas, Institut Catholique de Paris

    Filósofo, Magíster en Ciencias sociales del Institut Catholique de Paris; Maestría en Dirección Universitaria, Universidad de los Andes. Autor de Micropolítica del conflicto armado en Colombia: perspectiva pedagógica
    (Revista Horizonte Independiente, 2020).

  • Fabian Andrey Zarta Rojas, Universidad El Bosque

    Comunicólogo, Maestrante en Estudios Sociales y Culturales, Universidad El Bosque. Autor de Micropolítica del conflicto armado en Colombia: perspectiva pedagógica (Revista Horizonte Independiente, 2020). 


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2021-07-03 — Updated on 2024-07-18


How to Cite

How is knowledge constructed and how are subjectsformed in the human and social sciences?. (2024). Revista Horizonte Independiente - Horizontes De Pensamientos, 2(1), 75-99. (Original work published 2021)