The Hegelian conception of the roman in the Middle Ages


  • John Jaime Estrada González The City University of New York Author


interpenetrability, shape, performative human agency, inmediacy, self-consciousness


In the introduction to the text Lessons on Aesthetics (2021), Hegel condenses the discussions faced by the reflexive development aimed at fixing the philosophical and scientific foundations of his aesthetic lessons. Therefore, the proviso is that, not the entire work will be addressed, but the segment enunciated in the title, in the same way that the text will be chosen and not the abundant bibliography of this work. Now, to access what the philosopher poses, we take as a reference the Song of mine Cid, a key piece of medieval Castilian literature whose correlate will allow us to understand the romantic medieval conception of the Middle Ages that we should not confuse with the romanticisms of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It is noted that there will be no relations with other medieval arts such as music, architecture, sculpture and dance since the center of this work is the roman, sung in the medieval poetic narratives.

Author Biography

  • John Jaime Estrada González, The City University of New York

    Graduado en filosofía, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá. Estudios de literatura en la Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. MA. Literatura castellana en: The City University of New York (CUNY). PhD. Literatura medieval Castellana (CUNY). Profesor de Hunter College: Romance Languages Department (CUNY) New York. Columnista de la revista virtual Cronopio. Miembro editor de la revista cultural Hybrido, New York. Autor de la tetralogía: “De la antigüedad a la Edad Media”. Miembro del CESCLAM (Centro de Estudios Clásicos y Medievales Gonzalo Soto Posada), Medellín. Ensayista e investigador independiente. En prensa (Editorial Epimeleia, Medellín ) un libro con ensayos varios sobre Hegel.


BORGES, JORGE LUIS. Los conjurados. Madrid, Editorial Alianza, 1985.

BUNGAY, STEPHEN. Beauty and Truth: A Study of Hegel’s Aesthetics. Oxford, Oxford UP., 1984.

BLECUA, ALBERTO, ed. Cantar de mío Cid. Madrid: Crítica, 1993.

DE CERVANTES, SAAVEDRA MIGUEL. Don Quijote de la Mancha. Madrid, RAE, 2015.

HEGEL, GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH. Lecciones sobre la estética. Madrid, AKAL, 2021.

HEGEL, GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH. Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas. Madrid, ABADA, 2022.

HOMERO. Ilíada. Madrid, Gredos, 2006.

KANT, IMMANUEL. Crítica del juicio. Madrid, Tecnos, 2007.

MOLAND, LYDIA L. Hegel’s Aesthetics. Oxford, Oxford UP., 2019.

PINKARD, TERRY. Symbolic, Classical, and Romantic Art. Northwestern, North UP., 2007.

SCHMIDT, RACHEL. Forms of Modernity: Don Quixote. Toronto, Toronto UP., 2011.

SPEIGHT, ALLEN. Hegel, Literature, and the Problem of Agency. Cambridge, Cambridge UP., 2001.

La concepción hegeliana de la Edad Media Romántica



2023-12-22 — Updated on 2024-07-24


How to Cite

The Hegelian conception of the roman in the Middle Ages. (2024). Revista Horizonte Independiente - Horizontes De Pensamientos, 4(2), 1-31. (Original work published 2023)