Japanese philosophy: the Kamakura turn



Kamakura turn, Hōnen, Shinran, Dōgen, Nichiren


In the 13th century, the Japanese Buddhist world underwent profound and radical changes. These changes also had a great impact on philosophy. Here we will give an overview of the life and work of four figures of this period who were key to the evolution of both Buddhism and philosophy in Japan. They are the four protagonists of what we might call the “Kamakura turn”: Hōnen, Shinran, Dōgen and Nichiren. The present text is based on the talk “The Kamakura Reformation,” given in May 2022 as part of the series "Conversations on Japanese Philosophy," organized by RHI, ALAFI and ENOJP.

Author Biography

  • Carlos Barbosa Cepeda, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

    Es filósofo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, doctor en Humanidades de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Miembro de la European Network of Japanese Philosophy, vicepresidente de la Asosiación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural y columnista en la Revista Horizonte Independiente. Actualmente trabaja como docente en la Universidad Pedagógica de Colombia. Ha publicado textos como "Por qué limitar la formación humanística al acervo occidental es una pésima idea" (2021), "Ecología, budismo y filosofía" (2021) y "Tu eres eso (tat tvam asi)" (2021). 


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O’BRIEN, BARBARA. The circle of the way: a concise history of Zen from the Buddha to the modern world. Boulder: Shambhala, 2019.

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Filosofía japonesa: el giro Kamakura Carlos Barbosa Cepeda



2022-12-12 — Updated on 2024-07-18


How to Cite

Japanese philosophy: the Kamakura turn. (2024). Revista Horizonte Independiente - Horizontes De Pensamientos, 3(1), 46-75. https://horizonteindependiente.com/ojs/index.php/horizontes-de-pensamientos/article/view/24 (Original work published 2022)