History of the people of Israel and the hebrew bible


  • Adriano Moreno Weinstein Universidad Nacional de Colombia Author


Israelites, Hebrew Bible, People of Israel, Archaeology of the Levant


Since progressin archaeology ofthe Levant has been significant there has been a reassessment of the historicity of the Hebrew Bible’s narrative. By defining the concepts of Israelites (the people constituting the main character in the main mythical legend of the Exodus) and People of Israel (the historical people that define themselves as the descendants of the Israelites that same
historical people imagined during his cultural development) this article examines possible stages of the creation and consolidation of the People of Israel in parallel with the development of their main myths and symbols. It concludesthat, contrary to the apprehensions of the reactionary and fearful schools of biblical interpretation, the irruption of History in the field and, the consequent recovery ofthe intrinsic dignity of mythwill allowusto move forward faster and sounder. 

Author Biography

  • Adriano Moreno Weinstein, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Economista, Universidad Externado de Colombia. Moréh – agréé par les Rabins Juan Mejía et Guido Cohen. Traductor académico en áreas de economía y humanidades: Los Grundrisse de Karl Marx, MUSTO Marcelo, FCE, (con Clemencia Tejeiro Sarmiento). Investigador Grupo de Estudios Sociales de la Religión – CES, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Miembro de la Red Colombiana de Filosofía de la Religión. Participó en la primera Convención Internacional de Humanidades (2021) con la ponencia titulada
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2022-02-28 — Updated on 2024-07-18


How to Cite

History of the people of Israel and the hebrew bible. (2024). Revista Horizonte Independiente - Horizontes De Pensamientos, 2(2), 5-54. https://horizonteindependiente.com/ojs/index.php/horizontes-de-pensamientos/article/view/13 (Original work published 2022)